Warm Reminder:Logistics Transportation Process and Precautions!
Warm Reminder
To: Dear Customer
Transportation Process and Precautions
Dear customer, here is some information about the logistics process and important points to note. During transportation, minor bumps and scratches may occur due to multiple handling stages. Please be aware that #transportation covers loss, not damage. For goods that are sensitive to pressure or bumps, please ensure proper internal and external packaging and protection. #Fragile items are not covered by insurance. Please take note。
Below is the basic transportation process:
1. Courier delivers to the warehouse
2. We process the goods and load them onto the container
3. Unloading the container and transferring the goods
4. Driver picks up the goods
5. Final delivery and handling before reaching you
Our mission: To ensure goods safely clear customs and are delivered to you securely. Thank you for your support and understanding~
Mobile : +016-2261818
Tel / Fax : +606-9536868